Training Visa
  • Training Visa sc 407

Training visa is an employer sponsored visa and you need an employer in Australia in sponsoring and nominating to undergo the work place based training opportunity in Australia.  

The training can be for gaining or enhancing skills or the supervised training for the registration or license or for the professional development. All the training has to be at the sponsored employer unless the exemption applies.

If you have completed your studies recently and interested in practically implementing the knowledge, then this might be the right visa or if you are looking to enhance your existing skills and knowledge related to the occupation, you can apply for the training visa and undergo the training with the sponsor. 

After completing studies, if you are interested in gaining practical experience in Australia, then this may be the right visa for you, whether you are overseas or in Australia or if you have experience of two to four years overseas and looking for an option to get trained in Australia or enhance your skills related to the occupation, you can apply for this visa. 

The training visa can be valid for up to two years.

The 407 Training visa can be used for:

  • workplace-based training for registration, licensing or membership
  • to enhance skills in an eligible occupation
  • or for the professional development. 

To apply for training visa to gain or enhanced skills, the applicants must have a minimum of 12 months of study/work experience in the last 24 months.

A detailed tailored Training Plan should be submitted with the nomination application, demonstrating the training objectives and the proposed  program.

If you have an employer and interested to find out more details, contact us at 02 9212 1955 or send us an email to